Welcome to the ZBW Journal Data Archive!

The ZBW Journal Data Archive is a service for editors of journals in economics and management. The aim of this web service is to offer scholarly journals an easy to handle infrastructure for managing and storing data sets of published articles and to link the data sets to their corresponding publication. The service is free of charge for academic journals.

Authors of these journals are invited to submit their replication files to the data archive. A documentation on how to use the application is available here.

More information on our service is available here or in this video. The video takes only 6 minutes of your time.

The ZBW Journal Data Archive is the successor of a pilot application that has been developed by the DFG-funded project EDaWaX.

If you are interested in employing the JDA for your journal, please get in touch with us.

Please Note: The application does not work well with the new Microsoft Edge Browser. Please use Chrome or Firefox instead.